Know the Facts:
The Unified Carrier Registration is a federal mandate per Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 Section 367.An annual payment for the UCR is required for all companies with an active U.S. DOT number that are engaged in interstate commerce and/or transporting goods that originate or have a destination outside of the company base state (e.g. containers/intermodal).
The The UCR Registration, per Code of Federal Regulations CFR 367, must be finalized by the end of the year preceeding the UCR Registration filing period. As such, the final payment and application must be submitted and processed by the end of the year Annually for the future UCR period. Because of the large number of motor carriers that must file this registration the filing period spans from October through December Annually to allow sufficient time for processing of applications and payments. For more information please call 240-544-0882 M-F 9 AM - 5 PM CST
UCR Regulation Overview
Name: UCR
Regulation Code: FMCSR 367
Filing Commences October 1 (Annually)
Who is it for? Interstate, U.S. DOT number holders
Enforcement begins on January 1st (Annually)